The Solution to the Destructive Evils of Social Media

wake up kick ass be kind repeat

We need a Social Media 2.0 that creates community instead of turning us into lonely braggarts.

(Originally published in The Epoch Times, on August 15, 2019)

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME
Founder, Break Diving, Inc.

Social media destroys people’s relationships, causes “Facebook envy,” reduces self-esteem, makes users feel lonely, and encourages arrogant and egotistical behavior.… Read More

The One Time Management Tip That Will Change Your Life Forever (And Help You Get Rid of Depression Too!)

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME, EMT
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc.

Want to know the one secret to getting more done this week than you have in any other week this past year?  Want to know the one time management tip that also has the amazing side effect of improving your self-esteem, increasing your confidence, reducing your feelings of depression, and making you feel AWESOME about yourself and your future?!… Read More

SSS3: Romans 8:18 DO NOT GIVE UP!

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME
Founder & Exec. Dir., Break Diving, Inc.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” – Romans 8:18

I read this Bible verse today from an email sent from Steven Furtick Ministries (… Read More

Die Trying, Don’t Die Dreaming

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, ME, LLM, EMT
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc.

Wake up people!  You could die tomorrow!  Heck, you could die TODAY!

I hear so many people talking about what they are going to do one day, or what they are going to have one day, but if I ask them what they are doing to reach that goal today, they have a million excuses.… Read More