Proof That Your Foreign Language Vocabulary Probably Stinks — Take This Quiz!

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, ME, LLM
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc. (& The Fluency Project)

Here at the Break Diving Fluency Project, we recognize what most language schools do notone of the biggest reasons you can’t fully communicate in the foreign language you are studying is because you have a terrible level of vocabulary–wholly deficient.  Read More


作者: Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, MBA, Esq
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc.



第一: 你可以在这个网站参加我们的组织:

第二: 如果你已经会写非常好的汉语, 我也邀请你替我们写一些作文!你对这个建议感兴趣的话, 请告诉我们吧!

第三: 如果你要提高你的汉语水平,我们在BreakDiving的FluencyProject可以帮你啊! 我们有一个很有意思的一个月的课。 很强烈!很厉害!

If you would like to practice your Chinese, please join our free community at… Read More