Die Trying, Don’t Die Dreaming

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, ME, LLM, EMT
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc.

Wake up people!  You could die tomorrow!  Heck, you could die TODAY!

I hear so many people talking about what they are going to do one day, or what they are going to have one day, but if I ask them what they are doing to reach that goal today, they have a million excuses.… Read More

Introducing… Jonathan Cheever

Active members of our Break Diving community (www.breakdiving.org/community) are recognized with a blog post all about that person, in interview format!  If you are an active member of our Break Diving Slack community or are currently enrolled and actively participating in one of our awesome courses, we would love to brag to the world about you!
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