The Official Break Diving Reading List


By: Break Diving Staff & Members

Each book listed below under each category has been fully read, vetted, and approved by numerous Break Diving staff members and community members. Anything you see recommended on this page is something you absolutely must read in order to live a happier, more successful, more educated, more meaningful, and more fulfilling life.Read More

My Summer Books 2020


By: Kitti Kovács
A Break Diver in Slovakia

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

Break Diver Kitti Kovács

The first book I’d like to mention is A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara.… Read More

Am I Beautiful?


By: Ruth Ezebuiro
A Break Diver in Nigeria

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

Break Diver Ruth Ezebuiro
Break Diver Ruth Ezebuiro

Am I beautiful?

That was the question I thought the mirror would answer.… Read More

It’s You


By: Kabahuma Ishabellah
A Break Diver in Uganda

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

When it all hurt like hell and my world was falling apart around me, they all told me to let go and move on.… Read More

Too Insignificant

Earth and Man

By: Utkarsh Mishra

A Break Diver in India

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

When you are sitting alone in your room, bored, you think that there’s nothing new happening around.… Read More

AngelFish – Episode 2 – Helping Gay Mare Capones in the Philippines to Expand Her Business

Angel Fish Episode 2 - Gay Mare

The following is a blog post written by Break Diving member Gay Mare Capones, in association with the YouTube episode of AngelFish of the same name. After you read this, also view the actual episode on YouTube!

Editor’s Note: We try to edit the writing as little as possible to preserve authenticity, personality, and writing style.Read More

Some Poetic Inspiration During This Pandemic

Don't Give Up

By: Abubakar Mubarak

A Break Diver in Nigeria

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

I witnessed a dim-light over powered by darkness. A concrete evidence overtaken by a gibberish talk.… Read More

Read This If You Want To Learn Chinese

Chinese Writing

By: Kelly Chen

A Break Diver in Texas, USA

就由大家所知,现在越来越多的人想学习中文,中文已经算是一种国际化的语言了。因为中文的汉字复杂的结构,发音的音调与其他语言截然不同,中文也算是一门很难学的语言。刚开始学习中文你会觉得中文的每一个字似乎都不样,虽然都长的方方正正,可它的意思往往会在你的意料之外;不同的音调是中文的特色,带有个性的卷舌音,儿化音需要一个人不断的练习。刚开始学习中文的路一定不会是平坦的,这一路上一定会有些许的坎坷与磨难,你必须要有坚定的决心去克服这些困难。只要你帮自己开辟一条路,你会慢慢地发现这条路会走得越来越顺,你也会越走越远。 我从小就在中国长大,学习中文,所以我有一个牢固的基础。我会花更多的时间阅读书籍,增添我的词汇量,语法和理解能力。比较难参透的中文字就要数多音字了,你需要根据一句话里的意思分辨这个字什么时候该读什么音。告诉你们一个可以帮助你对中文增添兴趣的方法,如果你不想读一些枯燥的课本,你可以选择读一些关于中国的文化历史,传说,节日来历等等一些有趣的话题。我个人就很喜欢看一些成语故事,这样不仅能练习了阅读理解能力,还学会成语。

As everyone knows, more and more people want to learn Chinese these days, and Chinese is considered an international language.

But because of the complex structure of Chinese characters, the pronunciation that is very different from other languages, and since Chinese is also a difficult language to learn, it’s quite a challenge to get started.… Read More

Secret Writer

Journal Writing

By: Kausar Thahim

A Break Diver in Pakistan

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

Once upon a time, there is a girl who lives in a very beautiful valley.… Read More

The Solution to the Destructive Evils of Social Media

wake up kick ass be kind repeat

We need a Social Media 2.0 that creates community instead of turning us into lonely braggarts.

(Originally published in The Epoch Times, on August 15, 2019)

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME
Founder, Break Diving, Inc.

Social media destroys people’s relationships, causes “Facebook envy,” reduces self-esteem, makes users feel lonely, and encourages arrogant and egotistical behavior.… Read More

What Is Water?

Water in Glass

By: Shreya Mahajan
A Break Diver in India

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

What is water?

  1. Litre of water weighs 1 kilo and when electrolysed will produce hydrogen and oxygen as described by the following equation.
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WE RECOMMEND: The Brave Web Browser (That Pays YOU To Use It)

photo of brave website

by Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME
Founder & Executive Director, Break Diving, Inc

Looking for a really fast and really private web browser that pays you in cryptocurrency just for using it?  

Here’s the skinny: Brave is founded by Brendan Eich, formerly of Mozilla, and apparently, the guy who created the Javascript computing language. … Read More

Your Enemy Is Your Friend

image of friendship

By: Ammar Dawoodi
A Break Diver in India

[Edited slightly by staff editors for clarity, paragraphs, and spelling, but in general, the English and grammar remain in the style of the author.]

I want to share share something about FRIENDSHIP.

This is my real life story (Day of my last exam of 12th Grade).… Read More